Vice-chief of Israeli Mission, HE Naama Levi visited the University of Ruse today. She met the University management, represented by Prof. Plamen Kangalov, PhD, Vice-rector in Education and Assoc. prof. Desislava Atanasova, PhD, Vice-rector in Communications Policy and International Relations. They presented the strong position of the University of Ruse in the international space, as well as its various scientific fields.

Before the lecture in front of students and lecturers, HE Levi was shown around the modern facilities of the University. Her interest in the highly advanced Hall of the Future, where doctoral students and other student groups are trained was great.

She asked questions, related to studying Computer Science at the University of Ruse, related to the topic of the lecture in Hall 2 of Kaneff Centre.

HE Naama Levi's lecture was titled "Israel as a startup nation". The audience heard an inspiring talk about the 74-yeaqr history of the state of Israel and the factors, which stand behind its success as a highly advanced, prospering nation, attracting number of high tech global companies in the field of innovations.
The young people were encouraged to think in a non-standard way, looking for ways of meeting the challenges of our present day.

The second stage of training lecturers from Savannakhet University (SKU), Laos, in compliance with the activities under the Project Across South East Asian Nations: From Automation and Control Training to the Overall Roll-out of Industry 4.0: ASEAN FACTORI 4.0. was held in the newly-built Education Centre of SKU by the lecturers from the University of Ruse Prof. Plamen Daskalov, PhD and Assoc. prof. Tsvetelina Georgieva, PhD. The vice-rector of SKU, Assoc. prof. Sitha Khemmarath, PhD welcomed the Ruse University team and wished then efficient work. At this stage of the training, the focus is on the practical part, working with the platform designed and built in the higher school. In the course of the training the trainees have to prepare the labs for their students. The final goal is obtaining accreditation of the respective curricula by the institutional bodies responsible, so that the training could be held in the next years. Such training is going to be held by the University of Ruse in the second university, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand in November as well. During the next stages of training in the two universities, the Asian colleagues, mentored by the partners from the University of Ruse, will conduct practical training of students and company representatives from Laos and Thailand.

On 11 October 2022, the Rector of the University of Ruse Academician Hristo Beloev was awarded with the honorary title DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA of the Andizhan Mechanical Engineering Institute, Uzbekistan.

The solemn ceremony in Andizhan was part of the eighth partner meeting of the Eurasian project HiEdTec. It took place at the Andizhan Youth Centre in the presence of more than 600 guests, leaders of institutions, rectors of foreign and domestic universities from Uzbekistan, lecturers, students.
The Rector of the Andizhan Mechanical Engineering Institute, prof. Umid Turdialiev, announced the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute for awarding Academcian Hristo Beloev with the honorary title Doctor Honoris Causa. He reported the joint activities of the two universities, Acad. Beloev's contribution and held the award ceremony.

The Honorary Diploma was conferred to Academician Beloev both by the Rector of the Andizhan Mechanical Engineering Institute, prof. Umid Turdialiev and by Mr. Nasibulo Muminov – Governor of Andizhan region.

Academician Hristo Beloev expressed his gratitude for the great honour bestowed and his words were accompanied by the applause of the audience.
The Andizhan Mechanical Engineering Institute was established in 1986 година. More than 8000 students are educated there in bachelor and master degree programmes in the field of machine-building, transport, computer engineering, economics, etc. The University has 6 faculties and two branches with more than 300 lecturers.

The General Directorate on Education and Science of the EC and Technopolis Group consultancy company held a work meeting and workshop with delegates from selected European universities on 5-7 October in Brussels. The topic was the improvement and implementation of the HEInnovate instrument for self-evaluation of the entrepreneurial features of higher educational institutions. The University of Ruse was represented by Assoc. prof. Daniel Pavlov, PhD – head of the Centre for stimulation of entrepreneurship and Assoc. prof. Svilen Kunev, PhD – 5D Alliance Laboratory for innovative business and social models. The University of Ruse has been chosen for participation from among the Bulgarian higher schools due to its experience and expertise in education and research in the field of entrepreneurship, as well as the outcomes achieved under the project for strategic partnership BeyondScale, financed by the EC. A prerequisite for this is the fact that the university was already part of the national pilot research on entrepreneurial universities in 2014, conducted by the EC and the Organisation for economic cooperation and development (OECD). A significant event in this regard was the hosting of the International Conference „HEInnovate: Support for institutional change in higher education", by the University of Ruse in 2018. This conference was held in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science and the European Commission within the framework of Bulgaria's presidency of the European Council and with the participation of four presidents of European countries – Bulgaria, Austria, Lithuania and Romania. At present, two of the master degree programmes of the University of Ruse – „Entrepreneurship and Innovations" and „Social Entrepreneurship" have been developed together with partners of the University from several European countries and attract the interest of experts, willing to specialize in generating innovative ideas for solving business and social challenges.

At the University of Ruse was held a ceremony for awarding the participants in a project for encouraging volunteering in the framework of the European Erasmus+ Programme. The Rector, Acad. Hristo Beloev conferred two silver medals to Penka Petkova and Pavlina Ivanova from Slivo pole Municipality, who have fulfilled the requirements of the Programme for awarding volunteers, organised by the University for encouraging volunteering (www.gogetaward.eu/bg). Project partners under this Programme are Lithuania, Slovenia, the Netherlands and Latvia.

Acad. Hristo Beloev noted that the University, the Municipality and the Union of Pensioners have been working for years on various projects for motivating the people from the third age to volunteer, which is valuable for the Danube region because the volunteers share their experience and traditions to the next generations. “We are trying to prepare the students from the University of Ruse not only for work in 23 professional fields, but also for leading a dignified life“ – said Acad. Beloev.
Mr. Valentin Arsov, Mayor of Slivo pole Municipality, greeted the silver medal bearers for their successful volunteering work. He noted that the Municipality is well recognized in the European Union through the international activities of the Union of pensioners, led by its Chairperson, Mrs. Veska Uzunova and coordinated by Assoc. prof. Emilia Velikova from the University of Ruse.
Mr. Atanasov emphasized the fact that the virtues of the people from the third age and their desire to help show that it is never late to start something new and positive, which brings fulfilment in their lives. „In this commercial world, more than 100 elderly people helped the municipality to plant trees in swamps. That is why the Municipality will always aid the activities of the pensioners, preserving and possessing many of the moral values that are being lost today.“ – said Mr. Atanasov.
Mrs. Penka Petkova and Mrs. Pavlina Ivanova have participated in the Programme with two of the obligatory activities:
1) Organising and participating in volunteering activities. They, for example, have organised exhibitions of baked products and shared experience with the pensioners for transferring our cultural heritage to other generations; furthermore, they have supplied food to Covid patients, etc;
2) Personal development – training, new hobby, etc. For example, they have participated with songs and theatre performances in the sessions of the International conference for cultural and social inclusion, zoom training for online meetings, etc.
Other activities, which are not obligatory, are:
3) Sport;
4) Educational tourism (https://gogetaward.eu/bg/about-the-program-bg/).
The Programme continues.
The award ceremony was held in the European Educational centre for PhD students of the University of Ruse, equipped with state-of-the-art technology. The guests were welcomed by the hosts and their robot, who sang their favourite song “White Rose”.
The participants expressed their aspiration for gold medals and their willingness to participate in new trainings in this advanced hall. The University representatives were impressed by the enthusiasm of the people from the third age to learn to use the new media for participation in online meetings and meeting new partners.
For more invormation: Assoc. prof. Emilia Velikova - project coordinator for the University of Ruse –
tel.: (+359) 885 635 874
Today the Minister of Education and Science – Acad. Nikolay Denkov, together with the Rector of the University of Ruse - Acad. Hristo Beloev, opened the „EDUCATION FOR FUTURE" Hall. It happened through a smart card with the name and photograph of Minister Denkov. He was acquainted with the dissertation research of the PhD School of the University of Ruse through a Poster Exhibition in front of the Hall.

The „EDUCATION FOR FUTURE" Hall is part of the 5D Alliance Project and its building is initiated by the Body of Rectors of the University of Ruse. The futuristic design was the work of the Industrial Design Department of the Agrarian and Industrial Faculty.

The Hall will be used for training of students, PhD students and high school students, who are connected to the University and work in cooperation under various projects.

8th International Scientific Conference Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering was held at the University of Ruse

The 8th International Scientific Conference Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering was held at the University of Ruse from 30.06. to 02.07. 2022. In the course of three days, the participants from Romania, France, South Africa, Mexico, Turkie, Slovakia. Russia, Moldova, Serbia and many Bulgarian higher schools discussed the results from research in the field of modern power engineering and agriculture. A special focus was put on the challenges facing modern education and training. For the first time, the event included a panel called Dialogue University – Business. Leading companies, specializing in the field of renewable energy sources, research journals and teams, working on international projects, related to the Conference topic, made presentations during this session. A large Romanian delegation, led by Cor. Mem. Valentin Nedeff, President of the Senate in "Vasile Alecsandri "University of Bacau (Romania), got acquainted with the educational and research infrastructure of the University of Ruse. A COLLABORATION AGREEMENT IN THE AREA OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER between the two organisations was signed. The scientific conference had many cultural events on its agenda as well.

The project „ComEnter&RC – Community Enterprises and responsible Citizenship for Youth and Women", financed under the Erasmus+ Programme aims at providing support for acquiring skills, needed for combating depopulation and poverty in remote areas through the creation of social enterprises, functioning for the benefit of the local community. In this way, through including the citizens in planning, production, financing and operative activities of similar enterprises, the project, implemented in strategic partnership between organisations from Italy, Great Britain, France, Portugal and Bulgaria, aims at addressing the shared local needs and improving the employment eligibility of the target groups.

In the framework of the transnational partner meeting in Reus, Spain, the participants discussed the content of the toolkit for starting a social enterprise for the benefit of the local community, developed within the „ComEnter&RC"project. The toolkit includes a profile of entrepreneur's competencies and a self-assessment tool, в т.ч. профил на компетенциите на предприемачите и инструмент за самооценка, training program and content for the development of key skills for starting such an enterprise, business model and business plan canvass. It is envisaged that the instruments in question will be translated into the national languages of the partners by the end of the year and made available for free use by the target groups and stakeholders.

The main role in the project of the team from the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" is related to the development of a web-based portal for starting a social enterprise for the benefit of the local community. During the meeting in Reus, the project partners clarified the requirements regarding the functionalities of the future platform with a view to the most effective positioning of the created content for the users and the creation of opportunities for its fast and easy use.

The implementation of „ComEnter&RC" continues til the end of August, 2023.
For more information, follow the project website https://comenter.eu/
The present press release was prepared with the financial support of the EU Erasmus+ Programme. The University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" has full responsibility for its content and under no circumstances can it be accepted as an official position of the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Programme INDIRE, Italy and the European Commission.
Project No 2020-1-IT02-KA204-079192 - „Community Enterprises & Responsible Citizenship for Young and Women - ComEnter&RC".
Today, the Ambassador of the united |Arab Emirates – His Excellency Sultan Rashid SultanAlkaytub Alnumaymi visited the University of Ruse. The cooperation and interaction between the two countries was confirmed once again with the Ambassador expressing his positive attitude to the University of Ruse.

The Rector – Academician Hristo Beloev, DSc informed His Excellency that after his visit to the United Arab Emirates in December last year, Agreements for cooperation with the two universities visited have been prepared and sent, awaiting approval from these two universities.
Both parties expressed once again their mutual satisfaction with the cooperation and their firm belief that it will be prospering in the future.
Today, in front of Kaneff Centre was opened the SIXTH INTERNATIONAL INNOVATIVE YOUTH EXPO, which was the final event of the 24th Spring Holidays of Science in the University of Ruse. The initiative was held by the Academic management and the Student Council of the University of Ruse, under the patronage of the Minister of education and science and with the participation of the National Representation of the Student Councils in Bulgaria.

The rector of the University of Ruse, Academician Hristo Beloev, DSc opened the EXPO and Academician Nikolay Denkov, Minister of education and science, gave a welcome speech to the participants and guests. The latter were also greeted by the Vice-mayor of Ruse – Mr. Dimitar Nedev. Many organisations, institutions and businesses also sent congratulatory addresses.

The projects of over 300 participants from high schools in Ruse and the region, Bulgarian and European universities and institutes of BAS were presented at 70 stands in the large hall of Kaneff Centre. This year, for the first time individual participants in the EXPO'22 were awarded by a jury from members of the Student Council, chaired by Alexander Uzunov, vice-chairperson of the National Representation of the Student Councils in Bulgaria.

The variety of projects, prototypes, experimental models, samples and demonstrations was impressive. Some of the attractions of EXPO'22 were 3D designs and models of various objects; prototypes of a fuel cell and an electric automobile, prototypes of systems for measuring environmental and human body parameters; demonstrations: shooting with study weapons; air quality measurement station and many other interesting developments of the participants in EXDPO'22.

Two other important events for the university were held in parallel:
- 1. Round table "TOGETHER FOR A BETTER SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL WORLD WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION" on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the professional field "Social activities".
- Final session of the student scientific conference – Best Paper'22
Acad. Beloev and Acad. Denkov opened the Round Table "TOGETHER FOR A BETTER SOCIAL AND ECOLOGICAL WORLD WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION", wishing success and fruitful work to its participants.
On the big stage of Kanev Center the student ensembles offered some entertainment with their wonderful dance performances. Stefania Gornachka from the music school in Ruse also gave a musical greeting.
The winners of Best Paper'22, the best English presenters of the competition „Inspire'22" and the successful graduates of the first class of the International Social Laboratory „Edu4Future" received their awards at the end of the event.
Traditionally, the INTERNATIONAL INNOVATIVE YOUTH EXPO ended with a raffle. The big prize from it was won by the students of Nedka Ivan Lazarova Vocational School of Clothing, who presented an impressive fashion show to the audience.

Project DTP3-454-4.1 'Improved Institutional Capacities and New Multilevel Governance for Talent Attraction and Retention in the Danube Region - TalentMagnet', financed within the programme for transnational cooperation „Danube" 2014-2020, unites the efforts of 18 partners from 12 Danube countries for reducing the "brain drain" of young, qualified specialists from small and medium-sized towns in the Danube region
On 7th June, in the Conference hall of Kaneff Centre, the Rector of the University of Academician Hristo Beloev, DSc opened the third face-to-face transnational partner meeting under the 'TalentMagnet' project. This project aims at addressing the serious challenges faced by the demographic and workforce market in the Danube region by developing plans, models and instruments for attracting and retaining talented young people.
'TalentMagnet'' focuses the efforts of business, local authorities, civil society and educational institutions for building a better economic and social environment in the small and medium-sized towns along the River Danube, in order to make them more attractive for young people. Regional and local bodies of public authorities, NGOs, research centres and sectoral agencies participate in the consortium.
As part of the project activities a survey has been conducted among the target groups and the employers about the key factors, which make a settlement preferred for life and realization by young people. Analyses of the current state of affairs in partner cities have been carried out and a catalogue of good practices for attracting and retaining talented young people has been compiled. In addition, guidelines have been developed to create a new model for multilevel governance and pilot activities for its implementation and development have been proposed.
Among the set of tools created to achieve the project objectives (a guidebook for a local talent club, for holding a city hackaton, etc.) stands out the mobile application 'TalentMagnet', developed by the University of Ruse. With free access for IOS and Android in the 12 national languages of the project partners, it contains links to information, which could be useful for young people, motivation materials, entertaining tests, chatbot with interesting questions and even a game. In addition, one of the app's functions allows young people and stakeholders to vote for conditions that are important for their choice of a place to live and work.
All project outcomes developed so far are accessible at https://www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/talentmagnet . The project also includesПроектът предвижда още creating policy proposals at local, national and European level in order to overcome the shortage of young educated and qualified workforce in the Danube region.
For more information and opportunities for cooperation:
Prof. Mihail Iliev, DSc – Project manager – miliev@uni-ruse.bg
Good perspectives were outlined for the University of Ruse after the visit of Brent LaRossa, Attaché on Cultural and Educational Affairs at the American Embassy in Sofia. He was received by the Vice-Rector on internationalisation and communication policies, Assoc. prof. Dessislava Atanassova, PhD. Lecturers from the Faculty of Business and Management, led by the Dean, Assoc. prof. Milena Kirov, DSc participated in the meeting. After a brief presentation of the University, the discussion moved on to the main reason for the visit – the joint project "Academy for Women Entrepreneurs" of the Faculty of Business and Management and the American Embassy. Mr. Brent LaRossa expressed his gratitude for the involvement of the University of Ruse in this global initiative of the US State Department and his firm belief that the present partnership will develop into an efficient long-term cooperation.

For more information: Assoc. prof. Emil Kotsev, PhD, E-mail: ekotsev@uni-ruse.bg
On 2 June, a Webinar was held with the Rectors of Universities in Uzbekistan. The Webinar was initiated by the Ministry of Higher and Specialised High Education of Uzbekistan.

The Rector of the University of Ruse, Academician Hristo Beloev acquainted over 200 participants with the main results of the Eurasian project for modernization of higher education in Central Asia through new technologies (HiEdTec). Under this project, centres for innovative educational technologies, modelled after the one at the University of Ruse, have been set up.

The system, created at the University, for determining the degree of digitalization of higher education was also presented. It includes a number of quantity and quality indicators, which are used for determining the integral quantity and quality indicator of the degree of digitization. One ADVANTAGE of this system is that the values of the two integral indicators do not depend on the size of the higher school. Under the proposed system, a small university could receive a higher grade than a large one.
Date: 27.05.2022
The Foreign Languages Department with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Technologies of the University of Ruse has organised a competition on Public Speaking in English for a second year in a row. This year's topic was „Sustainable development – facing the challenges for the 21 century". Students and PhD students from the University of Ruse presented their own ideas or working solutions from the world practice on problems, related to sustainability in different spheres of life: transport, digitalization, education, fashion, cybersecurity, еecology, design. The presentations were divided into two sections: Humanities and Technical Sciences. On behalf of the Mayor of Ruse Municipality, Mr. Pencho Milkov, a congratulatory address was delivered by Mr. Ivailo Kadishev – director of Directorate International Policies, economic activities and analyses, who was a member of the jury.

The event was attended by representatives of the Body of rectors – Prof. Diana Antonova, DSc- Vice-rector in Research and Assoc. prof. Tanya Grozeva – Secretary-in-Chief, who were also members of the jury. The other members were: Prof. Antoaneta Dobreva, PhD, Assoc. prof. Tsvetelina Harakchiyska, PhD, Assoc. prof. Galina Ivanova, PhD, Assoc. prof. Maria Nikolova, PhD, Ms. Milena Bogdanova – Erasmus coordinator and Mihaela Georgieva – second year student in Bulgarian Language and Literature.

The winners in the section Technical Sciences are:
- First prize – Petar Stoilov, PhD student at the Department of Telecommunication for his presentation on „Image steganography"
- Second prize – Borislav Borisov, first year student in Transport Technology and Machinery for his presentation on "Public transport and sustainable development of cities – problems and solutions"
- Third prize – Anka Ilie and Stefanica Toroymak. Erasmus students from the University of Pitresti, for their presentation on „Society, technologies and sustainable development: Software application for volunteering organisations"
- The special prize of the audience went to Borislav Borisov.
The winners in the section Humanities are:
- First prize – Monika Deneva, first year student in Financial Mathematics for her presentation on „Vending machine for collecting plastic bottles"
- Second prize Yoana Delimarkova, first year student in Financial Mathematics for her presentation on „Fashion and sustainable development"
- Third prize – Anelia Pancheva, third year student in Elementary School Pedagogy with a Foreign Language and Uang Ziue, Erasmus student from China
- The special prize of the audience went to Yoana Delimarkova

On 26.05.2022, representatives of CLAAS, Germany officially presented a real ROTO PLUS separation mechanism from a CLAAS APS HYBRID harvester. At the ceremony were present Finn Petersen, Chief Service Manager of CLAAS, Germany, Mr. Mihael Beyer – regional director for Southeast Europe, Nikolay Tsekov, Sales Manager in RAPID-KB LtD., an official representative of CLAAS in Bulgaria, Svetlin Staychev Head of Department After-sales Services in RAPID-KB LtD.

Prof. Plamen Kangalov, Vice Rector for Education, opened the ceremony and outlined the long-term cooperation between the University of Ruse and CLAAS, as well as their official representative, RAPID-KB LtD. Mr. Petersen noted the significance of the mechanism donated and said it is still being used in the new models of harvesters such as TRYON in the company. Mr. Beyer spoke about the contribution of the three organisations to the preparation of highly qualified engineers for our agriculture. Lecturers and students from the Agrarian and Industrial Faculty were present at the ceremony as well.

After the ceremonial ribbon cutting, the guests had a meeting for discussing the opportunities for expanding the cooperation where a decision was made to create a specific Action plan for upgrading the curricula and syllabi for the degree programmes Agricultural Machinery and Technologies, Agrarian Engineering and Management and Servicing of Machinery. It was also agreed to include a lecture and a practical workshop training course taught by specialists from RAPID-KB LtD. to the students from the above-mentioned degree programmes.

On 14 May 2022, in Ravda, the National Student Olympiad in mathematics was held. It was hosted by the University of National and World Economy. The team of the University of Ruse participated with 7 students in Group B. Tsvetelina Stefanova, a second year student in the degree programme Computer Systems and Technologies won a gold medal, and Georgi-Ventsistav Penev, Yoana Delimarkova and Gabriela Nedelcheva, first year students in Financial Mathematics degree programme, won bronze medals. The University of Ruse team won the bronze camp in the team competition, and another bronze cup in the higher schools competition.

The team leader of the University of Ruse team was Slavi Georgiev, and Assoc. prof. Iliyana Raeva, PhD was a member of the National jury. Both lecturers are from the Department of Applied |Mathematics and Statistics
20 to 26th May, 2022
A delegation from McMaster University, Canada on a visit to the University of Ruse
Four lecturers from the Department of Electronics and Computer Sciences of McMaster University, Canada, are on a visit to the University of Ruse and its Department of Electronics from 20 to 26th May, 2022. The work visit is within the frame of a bilateral agreement under the Erasmus+ Programme, Activity KA107, with Assoc. prof. Krasimira Shtereva as the coordinator for the University of Ruse. The four members of the delegation, Prof. Jamal Deen, PhD, Prof. Mohamed Bakr, PhD, Matier Howlader, PhD and Joseph Peric, MSc, are leading specialists in the field of micro- and nanotechnologies, as well as in the educational technologies.

On 23 May 2022, the Canadian researchers met with the rector of the University of Ruse, Acad. Hristo Beloev, DTSc, the Vice rectors Prof. Plamen Daskalov, PhD and Assoc. prof. Desislava Atanasova, PhD, as well as members of the Department of Electronics – Assoc. prof. Krasimira Shtereva, Assoc. prof. Anelia Manukova and Pr. Assistant Sehr Kadirova, PhD. The rector acquainted the guests with the educational traditions, the existing teaching and research facilities and teaching resources of the University. The opportunities for expanding the cooperation between the two universities through joint research and publications, exchange of research potential and establishing sustainable partnership and dialogue were discussed. The two parties find common position for the development of the relations of cooperation and mutual support.
The work programme of the Canadian researchers started on 21 May with a training in CAD systems, used by electrical engineers. The training was led by Joe Peric for Bachelor and master degree students from Vidin in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation of the University of Ruse.
On 25th May,2022 the lecturers from McMasters University gave lectures to the academic community at the University of Ruse on “Problem-oriented Education in Microelectronics”, “Smart Sensors and Smart Homes in Healthcare”, by Prof. Jamal Deen, PhD; „Inverted Classroom“ by Prof. Mohamed Bakr, PhD and “Nanotechnologies” by Matier Howlader, PhD.
All lectures were hybrid – face-to-face and online.
McMaster University has 135-year history and is one of four Canadian Universities that are in the top 100 research institutes in the field of Technical Sciences, Healthcare, Natural Sciences, and Humanitarian Sciences.

For more information:
Assoc. prof. Krasimira Shtereva, PhD, coordinator of the bilateral cooperation, tel.: 0889935368
Assoc. prof. Anelia Manukova, PhD, Head of the Department of Electronics, tel.: 0889180327
17 May, 2022
Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek
(this is the 13th honorary title for the Rector of the University of Ruse)
The Kyrgyz State Technical University "I. Razzakov", Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan hosted the 7th partner meeting of the Eurasian Project HiEdTec with the University of Ruse as a coordinator. It will last 3 days under a comprehensive work programme. The second day of the meeting will be held in Ala-Too International University in Bishkek, and the third day – in Isak-Kul State University "K. Tinistanov", Karakol.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Rector of the University of Ruse, Academician Hristo Beloev, was awarded the title Doctor Honorсis Causa of the Kyrgyz State Technical University "I. Razzakov".
The Rector of KSTU, prof. Mirlan Chinibaev, announced the decision of the Scientific Council of the University for conferring the honorary title to Acad. Beloev and then the ceremony was held.
In his speech the Rector noted the merits of Acad. Beloev for expanding the joint activities between the two Universities, and especially the role of the project for Modernisation of higher education in the countries of from Central Asia through the use of innovative educational technologies.

Acad. Beloev thanked for the high honour bestowed on him with the awarding of the title DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA of the Kyrgyz State Technical University. He then made a retrospection of the joint activities and the project work, successfully coordinated by the University of Ruse for a fourth year in a row. Thanks to the project, we are taking a big step in the digitisation of our universities and adaptation of the educational systems in the partner universities to the digital generation through implementing innovative educational technologies and didactic models in the study process.

The Rectors of the two universities signed an Agreement for cooperation and in a bilateral meeting outlined the next steps for cooperation.
The Kyrgyz State Technical University "I. Razzakov", Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan was founded in 1954. Today it is a leading multi-profile university and a flagman of higher technical education in Kyrgyzstan, as well as an innovation centre for integration of science, education and culture. About 11 000 students in 46 bachelor and 33 master degree programmes, incl. 560 foreign students study in KSTU. The structure of the University comprises 5 faculties, 3 institutes and 4 branches. KSTU is active in international cooperation and project activities with 320 partners from all over the world.
From 10 to 13 May, 2022 an innovation camp DECARBONIZATION OF TRANSPORT IN RUSE DURING THE GREEN TRANSITION – BUILDING INNOVATIVE CAPACITY FOR THE FUTURE was held at the University of Ruse under the programme Science Meets Regions of the Joint research Centre of the European Commission.
The organisers of the event were the Municipality of Ruse, the University of Ruse and the Association of the Danube Municipalities. Co-chairs of the event were Mr. Pencho Milkov, Mayor of Ruse Municipality and Academician Hristo Beloev, DTSc, Rector of the University of Ruse.

The event was under the patronage of the President of R Bulgaria, Rumen Radev, who sent a congratulatory address to the participants. The Minister of Education and Science, Academician Nikolay Denkov also greeted the forum with an address. With a video message, Ms. Maria Gabriel, the EU Commissary on innovations, research, culture, education and youth, reviewed the role of the University of Ruse in the European higher education space and estimated highly the contributions of the research teams and the management of the University to the European Green Agenda.

Guests at the opening were also the EU member of Parliament Mr. Petar Vitanov, the Bulgarian MPs prof. Mihail Iliev and Mr. Kalin Ivanov, the Vice-Mayor of Ruse Mr. Dimitar Nedev, the Vice – Governor of Ruse, Mr. Lyudmil Hristov, who also expressed their approval of the special engagement of the academic community of the University of Ruse with the ecological issues facing Europe and the world.
The main goal of the Innovation Camp is to expand the capacity for developing policies in the field of transport and special urban planning through close cooperation between the authorities, science, business and citizens for eco-friendly and smart city and regional transport systems. The event was held in a hybrid format – live at Kaneff Centre University of Ruse and online at: https://meet1.uni-ruse.bg/b/xx4-jze-ndw.
09 Мay 2022
On 9 May, 2022, the first international meeting under the Project MEDUS „INOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL APPROACHES AND PRACTICES FOR ENHANCING EFFICIENCY OF SOCIAL INCLUSION AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF LEARNING MIGRANTS"No 2021-1-LT01-KA220-SCH-000024051 was held in Kaneff centre University of Ruse.

The main goal of the project is to develop the professional competences of teachers and specialist staff for creating an inclusive academic, social and emotional environment for the training of migrants.

The project participants noted their successful activities in partnership with the University of Ruse and the significance of the project in view of the current situation in Ukraine.
The guests were welcomed by the Rector of the University of Ruse, Academician Hristo Beloev, DTSc, DHC mult. The University was represented by Assoc. prof. Emilia Velikova – project coordinator, and Assoc. prof Yuri Kandilarov – head of department of Mathematics with the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education.
Also present at the meeting were the Mayor of the Slivo pole Municipality, a project participant - Valentin Atanasov, MEng, Maria Mireva, MEng – headmaster of "St. St. Paisii Hilendarski" school in Slivo Pole, as well as Ms. Antoaneta Yabanozova – Director of the Secretariat of the Bulgarian Red Cross – Ruse, which is also a project participant.
The international participants in the project present were: Mrs. Laymute Ruzgiene – Project Coordinator, Director of the Educational Centre, Kaunas region – Lithuania and Assoc. prof. Ion Mierlus-Mazilu – Head of Department Mathematics and Informatics at the Technical University in Construction in Bucharest, Romania.

The project aims at developing the professional competences of teachers and specialised staff for creating an inclusive academic, social and emotional environment for the training of migrants. The project direct target groups are: teachers who are working or planning to work with migrant students; specialised staff, providing pedagogical and psychological help at school; migrant students. An indirect target group consists of parents of migrant students. The expected project impacts are:
Developing professional, digital, social, communication and team work competences of teachers and specialised staff; acquiring better understanding and greater responsiveness to the needs of the different groups (migrant parents and students), which will aid direct teaching, on one hand, and the better academic achievements and/or emotional state of the groups, on the other. Innovative materials and tools will be provided for the teachers and specialised staff. These are progressive educational technologies, innovative teaching materials, digital scenarios, best pedagogical practices, vertical classroom model.
For more information: Assoc. prof. Emilia Velikova – project coordinator for the University of Ruse – tel.: (+359) 885 635 874
16th March 2022
On 7 March 2022, the Rectors and Presidents of 10 European higher schools, including the University of Ruse, signed a Convention for the establishing of European Cross-border University ACROSS.
The step taken is related to the preparation of a project proposal under the Call for European Universities – Partnerships for Excellence, published at the end of November 2021. Partners in the project alliance, led by Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany are: Bialystok University of Technology, Poland, University of Craiova, Romania, University of Girona, Spain, University of Lleida, Spain, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia, University of Perpignan, France, Rēzekne Academy of Technology, Latvia, University of Ruse, Bulgaria and University Udine, Italy. (The serial number of the universities in the partnership agreement follows the alphabetical order of the respective cities in English). The cities of two of the universities in the consortium – Kemnitz and Nova Gorica – have been declared European capitals of culture for 2025.

The virtual meeting of the rectors of the 10 higher schools was opened by the President of the Chemnitz University of Technology, prof. Gerd Strochmayer, PhD, who noted that with the establishment of the university network ACROSS, the partners not only emphasize the significance of the international cooperation in higher education, but also give impetus to successful cross-border transfer and exchange of ideas and initiatives. The Vice-President of Chemnitz University of Technology, prof. Maximilian Eibl, PhD, who was the moderator of the event, emphasized the fact that in the last two years, the consortium partners have invested a lot of labour and efforts, in order to intensify their cooperation and form a common vision for a European cross-border university. In his presentation of the project proposal, prof. Eibl summarized what has been achieved by the project consortium so far, focusing on the strategic partner meeting in Kemnitz in September 2021 and the jointly organised European Cross-Border Doctorials and Winter School program.
Prof. Eibl outlined the strategic priorities of the European Cross-border University ACROSS, such as: effective cross-border, trans-national and interregional cooperation in the field of higher education and research; training professionals in joint educational programmes and establishing communities of practice, in order to face the future challenges in their cross-border regions and in Europe; creating strong, continuous relations with the regional ecosystems and all stakeholder countries; of regional development in all its spheres and aspects.
A distinctive feature of all universities, included in the consortium is that they are located in cross-border regions and are acquainted with the challenges facing their development: economic and social inequality, language and cultural barriers. A study from 2016 on the special and cohesion development of Europe, shows that the cross-border regions in EU cover 40 % of the territory and 30 % of the population and the GDP, which is indisputable proof for the substantial potential of the idea for a European Cross-border University. Under the motto „Collaborative leadership in cross-border territories”, ACROSS aims at forming common European educational space for over 100 000 students and nearly 10 000 lecturers and administration, serving as a model for other cross-border regions and the promising European regional development.
As a participant in the meeting, Acad. Hristo Beloev – Rector of the University of Ruse presented the achievements of the University and its leadership position in the cross-border Bulgarian-Romanian region and the Danube space. With his signature under the Convention for establishing the European Cross-border University ACROSS, Acad. Beloev confirmed the ambitions and priorities of the academic community of the University of Ruse for national and international leadership in education, science, innovations and regional development.
For more information: Assoc. prof. Desislava Atanasova, PhD
Vice rector in internationalisation and communication policy
Tel.: +359 888 983 334
Today, the Ambassador of India H.E. Sanjai Rana visited the University of Ruse. He was welcomed by the Vice-rector in Education, prof. Plamen Kangalov, PhD, the Vice-rector in Development, Coordination and Continuous Education, Prof. Plamen Daskalov, PhD, the Director of Foreign Students Directorate, Prof. Krasimir Martev, PhD and Prof. Juliana Popova, PhD – coordinator in institutional communications.

Prof. Kangalov acquainted the guest with the large-scale international cooperation of the University of Ruse with universities from all over Europe and the world. Possibilities for cooperation with universities in India were discussed. Currently, about 20 students from India are studying at the University of Ruse. „I am happy to learn that you are doing so much for the adaptation of the foreign students in Bulgaria and your university", mentioned H.E. Sanjai Rana, after meeting them during their classes. The Body of Rectors invited him to take part in the Festival of Foreign Students in May at the University of Ruse, when he will give a lecture to the academic community about education in India.

28 February, 2022
On 28 February, 2022, the implementation of activities under Project 2020-1-RS01-KA226-HE-094527 „Digital internship model for higher professional studies" – DIMPS, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, component KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices and call for proposals KA226 - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness was completed successfully.
The Lead Partner in the Project is the Academy for Applied Sciences of Western Serbia (Uzice, Serbia), and the other partners in the implementation of the Project are the University of Ruse, the University of Western Atica (Egaleo, Greece) and the Higher Technical School for Applied Sciences (Novi Sad, Serbia).

The results from the implementation of Project DIMPS are three – a methodology for conducting student internships in an electronic environment has been created, n online platform for conducting internships in various fields of higher education has been designed and implemented and a set of auxiliary tools has been developed - guides and instructions for conducting internships and working with the platform. In the conditions of global pandemic COVID-19, which does not allow quality attendance of student internships, the creation and use of this online platform allows students to participate fully in the effective implementation of this mandatory element of their education.
In the period October – December, 2021, 21 students from Serbia conducted their mandatory student internships online, following the developed methodology and using the created platform. The topics of the internships were in the field of software engineering, information and communication technologies, entrepreneurship, tourism and hospitality management.The following Bulgarian companies from Ruse participated as associate partners for providing internships in the field of information and communication technologies: „Tornado studio" LtD and „Teracom" LtD, while the tour agency „Alexandra Travel" LtD offered internships in the sphere of tourism. Five of the Serbian students chose these partner companies of the University of Ruse to have their internships in.

The project activities of the University of Ruse were carried out by assoc. prof. Georgi Hristov, PhD (project coordinatorкоординатор for the University of Ruse), assoc. prof. Nina Bencheva, PhD, assoc. prof. Plamen Zahariev, PhD, Pr. assistant Diana Kinaneva, PhD, Georgi Georgiev, BSc from the Department of Telecommunications and assoc. prof Ivan Beloev, PhD, from the Department of Transport.
His Excellency Sultan Rashid Sultan Alkaitub Alnumaimi visited the University of Ruse today, where the expansion of the partnership relations between the Ruse Alma Mater and the universities of OAE was discussed. In December 2021 the Rector of the University of Ruse Acad. Hristo Beloev had several work visits in two of the largest universities in UAE, where valuable experience was exchanged and the opportunities for cooperation and future joint activities were discussed.

Today the meeting was held in a pleasant friendly atmosphere. The discussions were directed to new ideas for expanding the joint work, the exchange of research potential, establishing mechanisms for sustainable partnership and dialogue through meetings, discussions and visits. The two parties have found common grounds for developing the cooperation and mutual support.

25 February 2022
The University of Ruse applied with a new project for a European digital innovation hub under the Programme within the Digital Europe Programme. The competition is pan-European and there will be between 3 and 5 hubs in Bulgaria. The Project of our University unites 13 partners with proven experience in digital business transformation and the introduction of technologies related to artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, cybersecurity, blockchain technologies and 3D modelling.
The RU-DIH project aims to improve the competitiveness of the regional businesses in the North Western and the North Central planning regions through digitalisation of production processes and services and introducing innovative solutions, by using the synergy and potential of the regional innovation ecosystems. It is based on the strengths of all partners, among which are the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and industry, the Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce, the Municipality of Ruse, the Association of the Danube Municipalities, the innovation company Recheck, the IT company Sirma AI, the Artificial Intelligence Cluster, the Bulgarian Drone Society, the Cluster for Integration of New Technologies (ETIC), the Human Resources Development Agency, the Inobridge Association, as well as the Danube Digital Hub, established last year. The University of Ruse is a leading partner and will participate with the expertise of almost all its faculties, with three of them in leading positions for the project: the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education, the Faculty of Business and Management and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation. In case the project is approved, the regional companies will be able to benefit from the expertise and developments of the laboratories set up within the UNITe Centre of Excellence, as well as those in the range of 5D Alliance – a large-scale initiative for the creation of a research infrastructure within the National Roadmap for Scientific Infrastructure.
„RU-DIX" is designed to offer integrated digital services, consultations, testing before investing, prototyping, technological transfer within existing European networks, promotion and branding of products and services of regional businesses, hybrid trainings and free access educational contents, support and pre-assessment of business projects, directed to digitalisation and support of investors. All these services will be offered to companies and public administrations, in order to accelerate the execution of processes/products or services through digital solutions.
If the Project „RU-DIH" is funded, at least 30 companies and 10 public administrations will receive support within its three-year duration to the amount of 3 million Euro. The services packages include the development and implementation of self-improvement tools, face-to-face consultations and trainings, support through creating shared work spaces, as well as opportunities for using the state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment owned by the RU-DIH partners.
The project is supported by the European Entrepreneurship Network, the European Business Network, the Bulgarian Association of Start-up Companies, as well as by the European Digital Hub – Wallachia (Romania). The united efforts of the two hubs will be directed to the creation and development of „Danube Digital Green Corridor", including existing and newly established digital hubs in the Danube space.
For more information: Assoc. prof. Desislava Atanasova, PhD – Vice-rector in internationalisation and communication policy, e-mail: datanasova@uni-ruse.bg
23 February 2022
Today, 23.02.2022, was the last day of the successful study visit of Palestinian lectures in clinical nutrition and dietetics at the University of Ruse. In the course of a week, the 10 colleagues from Palestine discussed problems of the specialised hospital nutrition for various chronic diseases; nutrition of newborns and most recent practices in it, introduced by WHO; problems of the national systems for clinical nutrition in the EU member-states. As a partner and co-coordinator in the project „Enhancement of practice in clinical and dietary nutrition in Palestine“, the University of Ruse proposed lectures at a European level, prepared by lecturers in the Health Care Department of the Faculty of Public Health and Health Care and the Management and Social Work Department of the Faculty of Business and Management, with the national consultant in clinical and dietary nutrition, Prof. Donka Baykova, PhD as a visiting lecturer in the team.

The guests from Al Azra University in Gaza and the Palestinian Technical College expressed their gratitude to the Rector of the University of Ruse for the warm welcome and the beneficial cooperation between the Palestinian higher schools and the University of Ruse, which has been going on for two years now. Academician Hristo Beloev, in his turn, wished them success in their challenging goal to change the culture and models, which have been established for years, and help them face the patients’ needs. He assured them that they can rely on the European experience, expertise and cooperation, provided by the University of Ruse.
During their training in Ruse, the Palestinian specialists visited UMBAL Medica, where they got acquainted with the3 practice of the hospital in the organisation of clinical nutrition.
In the following months, representatives of the Bulgarian team under the project, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU, are going to visit the Al Azra University, in order to evaluate the possibilities for transfer of European expertise, know-how and experience in the clinical nutrition system of Palestine.
11 February, 2022
On 11 February, 2022, a workshop on the topic The Role of Communication and Trust in a Team in execution of Activity IO2 under Project 2020-1-PL01-KA226-HE-096196 Holistic approach towards problem-based ICT education based on international cooperation in pandemic conditions (ICT_EDUPAND) was held.
The lecturers were Anna Kononiuk, PhD and Urszula Ryciuk, PhD from Bialystok University of Technology (Politechnika Białostocka), project coordinator. The training was held online in Microsoft Teams on the following topics:
- Coaching tools enhancing communication with students
- The essence of leadership in coaching
- Test for personality colours
- Methods and tools of building trust in teams
- The meaning of communication in teams
The workshops included presentations, time for discussion and 20 minute brainstorming for approaches to case study solutions, assigned by the lecturers.
The aim of the training is to develop key skills and competencies for successful use and implementation of digital resources in engineering subjects, related to problem-oriented teaching in the conditions of a pandemic.

The participants in the workshop were 24representatives of the 4 project partners, of which 6 from the University of Ruse. All of them received a Certificate for the successful completion of training.
The educational initiative is funded under the Erasmus+ Programme. Partners of the University of Ruse are: University of Nish, Serbia and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.
The work on this educational project enables the Ruse team to use its accumulated experience and capacity and to carry out a successful exchange of new and effective educational practices. The activities are coordinated by assoc. prof. Teodor Iliev (Team leader).

The European Commission's support for this publication does not constitute endorsement of content that reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
18 January, 2022
The University of Ruse starts 2022 with a new international project, directed to the development of syllabi and materials based on game therapy as an effective tool for intervention in children.

The outcomes of the project will be applicable in the practice of nursery, kindergarten and elementary school teachers, as well as useful for all specialists, whose application field is related to holistic solutions of medical, educational and psychological problems, appearing in early childhood.
In the context of social and psychological negatives resulting from the restrictions because of the pandemic crisis COVID-19, the initiative of the University of Ruse becomes even more relevant. It starts today (20.01.2022) with a hybrid meeting of the partners from Bulgaria, Belgium, Turkey and Portugal, who are gathering face-to-face and virtually in Ruse to discuss the implementation of the two-year project Training in game therapy for intervention in young children, in accordance with the European credit transfer system for vocational education and training (ECVET)", for which the University has signed a funding agreement with the National Erasmus+ Agency.

Game therapy is both a scientific area and a professional activity, hence it is expected that the National Association of Professionals Working with People with Disabilities and the Centre for Psychological Support and Intervention "Analytical Zone", which are partner organisations with a serious practical experience will have a significant contribution to the successful implementation of the project.
The challenging international endeavour will be coordinated by the University of Ruse, which is planning to involve in its implementation academic staff from two faculties with a different expertise, due to the interdisciplinary nature of the project.
The Project is funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme, activity КА2,
Project number 2021-1-BG01-KA220-VET-000024805