On 12 November 2020 the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" will mark its 75th anniversary. On the academic map of Bulgaria, this anniversary is a sign for a long-standing tradition, continuous advancement and a lasting mark left in education, science and public life. Besides all this, for the University of Ruse this remarkable anniversary is an occasion for satisfaction and pride and a sign for Strength, Dignity and Authority, built over the years.
THE STRENGHT of the University of Ruse is, first of all, in its multi-profile nature, in the diverse palette of professional fields and degree programmes that bring students and PhDs with versatile interests and needs, receiving the best from their lecturers – scientists and professionals – not only in the lecture hals, but also in the interdisciplinary project work, in the transfer of innovations to business, in the development of regional economy. But the strength of the University of Ruse is, above all, in its ability to adapt to the dynamics of the environment and to find the right solution to all challenges.
THE DIGNITY of the University of Ruse is in its achievements, created by the deeds of the numerous members of the academic community, who are building the temple of knowledge and sciemce bit by bit and who have bound their present and future with the Ruse Alma Mater.
Behind THE AUTHORITY of the University of Ruse stand 75 years of hard work, overcoming the vicissitudes of time, building partnerships, turning bold ideas into reality and turning visionary dreams into reality. The authority of the University of Ruse is in the quality of education and research, in the modern multifunctional academic environment, in the confident steps towards digitisation of education and study halls of the future. This authority is in the Academic Danube Axis, built by the University of Ruse, in its leadership position in the cross-border region and the Danube Area, as well as in the recognition it receives in the country and beyond as a trailblazer and leader in the European initiatives, national and international projects. Last but not least, the authority of the University of Ruse is also in its ability to respond to every event from the public and cultural life while being a centre of spiritual and aesthetic values.
The University of Ruse meets its 75th anniversary with Strength, Dignity and Authority, always facing KNOWLEDGE, YOUTH AND THE FUTURE.
The anniversary year 2020 is full of numerous initiatives and events in the University and its faculties and branches. They compose an extremely rich calendar of events with memorable events in the field of research, culture, sports and tourism.
Traditional events like the May fairs of the faculties, the International academic week, the Festival of foreign students, the Innovative youth EXPO and many other educational, scientific, cultural and sports events will be celebrated appropriately.
The celebratory calendar will also include the 50th anniversary of Dance ensemble Harmony, 65th anniversary of academic sport and the 60th anniversary of the organised sport and tourist activities.
The culmination of celebratory events will be the marking of the 75th Anniversary of the University of Ruse on 11, 12 and 13 November 2020.