Two lecturers from Nong Lam University in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam met with their supervisors and professors of the Extended Research Unit at the Agrarian and Industrial Faculty of the University of Ruse to discuss potential topics for their future doctoral theses. The Vietnamese delegation is on an Erasmus+ mobility, in the frame of the bilateral agreement signed between the two universities seven years ago.

Nam Quyen Nguyen, a lecturer in the field of Renewable Energy Sources, will work on the topic of the effect of photovoltaics in Vietnam, and Die Lam FAM, a lecturer in the field of Agricultural Engineering, will prepare a thesis on the developments in the cocoa production process. The doctoral studies will be in a correspondence form (part-time) with two supervisors - the rector of the University of Ruse, academician Hristo Beloev and Hui Bih Nguyen, who is a professor at the Vietnamese Nong Lam.
The two doctoral candidates presented key points in their future developments and action plans to their academic supervisors, and the members of the Research Unit including the vice-rector for academic work Prof. Dr. Plamen Kangalov, the vice-rector for Development, Coordination and Continuing education Prof. Plamen Daskalov and the vice-rector for Internationalization and Communication Policy and university Erasmus+ coordinator Assoc. Dr. Desislava Atanasova.

Academician Beloev said that the University of Ruse has experience in both topics. He emphasized that cooperation between the two universities in the field of agriculture should be expanded. Joint activities such as development of joint projects, participation in scientific conferences, joint publications in refereed journals, exchange of lecturers and students will be undertaken. The two PhD students are a big step in the joint work, added Academician Beloev.
Prof. Huy Bih Nguyen shared that this is his third visit to the University of Ruse, and the reason for his choice of the latter as host university for the two PhD students is that in Vietnam all specialists in the field of agriculture have graduated from University of Ruse.
After discussing the topics, the two Vietnamese PhD candidates were given approval for the start of their studies and received advice from their research supervisors that will help them develop specific and relevant research projects.
The University of Ruse welcomed lecturers and students from Vietnam under the Erasmus+ program.
The university with which a bilateral agreement was signed seven years ago is Nong Lam in Ho Chi Minh City.
Hui Bih Nguyen, who is a professor in the field of Agricultural Engineering, Nam Cuen Nguyen a lecturer in Renewable energy sources and Dee Lam FAM - lecturer in the field of Agricultural Engineering arrived for a five-day visit to the university. They were also accompanied by Tan Duong DO, an employee and member of the international department, who will be on exchange training for mobilities.

The four guests met with the Rector Academician Hristo Beloev, the Vice-Rector for Education Prof. Dr. Plamen Kangalov and the Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Computer Policy and University Erasmus+ Coordinator Assoc. Dr. Desislava Atanasova.

Together they discussed the possibilities for upgrading the cooperation between the two universities through the development of joint projects, participation in scientific conferences, joint publications in refereed journals, exchange of teachers and students, as well as training of doctoral students.

It is in connection with the doctoral studies that a plan is to be prepared for two of the Vietnamese lecturers. The topics will be specified, and the doctoral studies will be part-time and with two supervisors from the University of Ruse and from Vietnam's Nong Lam. It is expected that the two PhD students will be officially enrolled at the end of January.
Two students from Ho Chi Minh also arrived to study at the Ruse Alma Mater under the Erasmus programme - My Bui Thi Yen, who majors in "Agrarian Sciences" and Toan Nguyen Thai - in "Informatics". They will stay here for a period of 4 months.
The visit of lecturers and students from Vietnam is realized under the Erasmus+ program, invitation 2022, with countries outside the European Union.
Under this contract, Ruse University conducts mobility with 12 countries, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Jordan, Russia, Vietnam, China and Kyrgyzstan. For the last two academic years from 2022 to 2024, 18 teachers and 22 students visited the University of Ruse, and in the new academic year 23 teachers and 9 students are expected.
The guests' program includes academic meetings with professors from the Department of Agricultural Technology, as well as sightseeing and a trip to Veliko Turnovo..
Today, the academic management of the University of Ruse welcomed the renowned of Prof. Khamba Lama Damdinsuren Natsagdorj, Director of the Medical Training centre of Traditional Mongolian Medicine Manba Datsan in Ulan Bator and Rector of the University of Traditional Mongolian Medicine "Otoch Manramba", accompanied by H.E. Lhagvasuren Sayanaa – Ambassador of Mongolia in Bulgaria.

The Rector of the University of Ruse, Acad. Hristo Beloev, opened the meeting, welcomed the guests and presented H.E. Lhagvasuren Sayanaa and Prof. Khamba Lama Damdinsuren Natsagdorj to the audience.

Other official visitors were Assoc. prof Kiril Panayotov, MD – owner of Medica University Hospital, Mrs. Alice Murtezova – administrative director of Medica, prof Kamen Milkov – honorary consul of Mongolia in Bulgaria.

Prof. Natsagdorj has prepared for the audience an attractive lecture, connected to the application of the Mongolian traditional medicine from antiquity to present day. The lecture was illustrated with interesting examples, which captivated all the attention of those present in the hall.
The lecture was followed by the ceremony for awarding Prof. Khamba Lama Damdinsuren Natsagdorj with the honorary title Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Ruse. He expressed his gratitude and warm feelings, saying that Ruse University will forever remain in his heart.
In the month of May 2017, during the visit of representatives of Medica Medical Institutions to the University of Traditional Mongolian Medicine in Ulaanbaatar - Mongolia, a tripartite contract was drawn up between the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", the University of Traditional Mongolian Medicine "Otoch Manramba" " and Medical facilities "Medica". On the basis of this contract, permanent and long-term cooperation between the three countries has been established. The three institutions declared their willingness to continue the exchange of knowledge and good practices and expand this cooperation in the future with joint research and other scientific activities.