It would not be an exaggeration to be said that Design has a thousand-year history. It will be difficult to deny that the desire to live in an aesthetic environment and to use aesthetic products was also inherent in people from several centuries ago. Design has always been part of the world's material production and material culture. Its development took place in parallel with the development of material production. Thus, over time, Design becomes a professional category. It turns out that Design activities are among the oldest of all professions known to the world.
The modern Design is a part of the so-called creative industries. The industrial Design also belongs to them. Its beginning can be said to date back to the first steps in industrialization about 150 years ago. Today, the dynamics of life and development, combined with the new challenges of globalization, pose new tasks for Design to solve. But does the Design manage to meet the needs and maintain the same dynamics?
Design is called upon to create a set of consumable values for users. For this purpose, designers use methods, tools and technologies to optimize the usefulness of their services. These methods, tools and technologies are marketing research, life cycle management, virtual reality construction, testing, technical drawings, etc. But Design results don't come out of nowhere. They are the result of a lot of hard work and dedication in training and practice. The adequate training of designer specialists and the assimilation of new methods, knowledge and skills is the recipe for the preservation and development of the Design sector.
The "Industrial Design" department at the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" is one of the Design trainings units in Bulgaria. In 2010, the "Industrial Design" major celebrated a significant event of its own, the 25th anniversary of the beginning of Design studies. During the period of its existence, it has its ambiguous presence in the life of the university and public life in Ruse. It is contributed to a successful professional start and the development of many young people as specialist designers.
The beginning of studies in industrial Design at the University of Ruse was set in 1985. A study unit on "Engineering Ergonomics and Industrial Design" was created with the status of a department, in which students of the second specialty "Engineering Ergonomics and Industrial Design" (EEID) were trained. The training course includes students from all engineering specialties who have a desire and a pronounced inclination to solve tasks related to industrial aesthetics.
Given the increased interest on the part of students and the need for personnel in industrial Design for newly established companies after the beginning of the economic reforms, with the decision of the academic management, in 1991 an independent department of industrial Design was created, which is the successor of the educational unit of EEID. In the same year, regular admission of students majoring in "Industrial Design" was carried out. Currently, the department educates students in industrial Design from Educational Qualification Degree "Bachelor" and Educational Qualification Degree "Master". So far, 284 young specialists, engineer-designers have graduated from the Bachelor's College and 34 from the Master's College.
The department also offers training of the "Doctor Educational Qualfication Degree, and so far there are six who have successfully defended and obtained the scientific degree "Doctor" in the specialty "Ergonomics and Industrial Design".
All graduates have practically 100% realization in fields using Design specialists, including outside the country.